Monday, September 6, 2010

The Friend Connection

It's interesting to see our path's in life move along. I'd say most people are unaware the details let alone noticing the fact that we are all on a universal journey. Sometimes I wonder and find my wishing I new what it would be like to think about everything less, care less and worry the least. Although I know I would miss my life and the struggles it takes each and every day to make it all worth while.
Well apart of that peripatetic unwinding we all do we find ourselves amongst the most interesting people albeit not always the best of people. A descent group of friends and the one sour cousin or a clueless, selfish brother. How do you traverse these things? The answer eludes me, but after an all day headache with mixed feelings I guess the pro's out weigh the con's. So for now the idea is to cultivate the friendship. Have as much fun as possible and not think about the details all the time.
For me, the most intriguing thing is watching all the dynamics of any group. No two people are the same in style and almost in personality yet everyone gets along in their way. For example, there's the witty, extra quip character who will most likely spin the entertainment most of the night but still tends to pinch nerves. Then again, it's the cost to pay. There's the passive, nice, romantic guy who tends to serve as the glue of any group of friends. The token stoner and last but not least the more aggressive alpha male of the group. Slap on a keen sense of homo-erotic behavior which contend as jokes in the 2010 era and I'd say you've got a pretty normal set of friends. The best thing about it all is our wide the open arms of acceptance are. I wonder who I'll know next year.

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